Today, high-performance computing (HPC) is being deployed at the edge, near the source of data, or in the cloud and is used in research, government, large enterprise, and academic settings. To uncover the full potential of HPC and progress along a journey of digital transformation, companies must look to the future of the technology as use cases in new industries emerge.

In the future, HPC will be used increasingly to solve complex business problems in industries such as automotive manufacturing and finance. HPC will also be used more widely to create supercomputers and to leverage AI insights.

The Evolution of HPC

Part of what opens new possibilities for HPC is the technology’s continuous evolution. HPC has allowed for the development of supercomputers, which have continued to increase in performance. These supercomputers have largely been developed for the government or large research organizations. For example, IBM built Summit for the U.S. Department of Energy and Sierra for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. However, open-source technologies have created opportunities for companies in the private sector that want to harness more computing power to develop supercomputers.

Supercomputers, powered by HPC, can process trillions of floating-point operations per second (teraFLOP) using fewer and fewer nodes. This means the computer can solve a tremendous number of complex calculations extremely quickly using a more efficient infrastructure.

As HPC technology evolves, it will provide even faster interconnections, increased scalability, and more computing density. Additional cores and accelerators will make it possible to process more intensive workloads. Companies that invest in the future of HPC will benefit from vastly increased storage capacity and I/O rates for accelerated and more advanced decision making.

New Industry Use Cases for HPC

As data volumes continue to increase for all kinds of organizations, HPC will expand beyond the realm of government, academic, and scientific institutions into other industries and businesses, turning it into a more mainstream technology.

HPC reduces the amount of time and hardware needed to make complex equations, making it ideal for use in fast-paced industries, such as finance. Companies in the finance industry must make quick decisions using advanced calculations based on real-time data. Taking too long to analyze data and act on information may mean missing out on a profitable opportunity for a client or investor.

HPC has the lightning-fast compute power needed to make financial decisions. HPC technology can calculate and manage risk and optimize client portfolios while maintaining strict industry compliance standards.

Automotive Manufacturing
Manufacturing is another industry that must make quick decisions to be profitable. Automotive manufacturers need to introduce new products and innovations to the market at a rapid pace while maintaining quality standards that promote safety.

HPC technology empowers automotive manufacturers to design, simulate, and test products to eliminate problems before they reach the consumer. Advanced design technologies, such as 3D modeling and computer-aided engineering (CAE), can be carried out using HPC calculations. Large data sets regarding product and manufacturing equipment performance can be processed to ensure optimal production.

Working Smarter With HPC

The vast computing potential of HPC makes it an ideal technology for supporting artificial intelligence (AI) and automation initiatives. AI encompasses advanced analytics processes, such as machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP), that give companies the power to analyze complex, unstructured data and learn through experience.

AI can be used to power digital workers to carry out tasks through automation for more efficient workflows. Automation takes over repetitive, manual, back-office tasks, allowing workers to focus on high-value tasks.

AI software must process large volumes of data, so it needs the support of HPC hardware, which can process trillions of calculations per second. The density of the computer clusters in HPC makes performing AI calculations at a rapid pace possible.

Making the Future of HPC Now

It’s never too soon to start exploring the potential HPC could have for your company. HPC is already becoming more accessible to all types of companies. Finding the right partner can put your company on the road to realizing greater compute power for faster and better decision making.

At Re-Store, we have developed AutonomousHPC to help companies make the most of their supercomputers. We can help your business uncover HPC use cases, develop a solution, and optimize it. We have a successful track record with organizations in the life sciences and energy industries and feel confident we can create a winning HPC solution designed for your industry.

Find out how to take your HPC solution into the future. Request a consultation from the experts at Re-Store.